Jacinda Ardern resigned today. But there is still a lot of work to be done.
On the day Jacinda leaves, she will no longer be legally protected by the post she has.
The entire Labour/Greens Government is guilty of TREASON by following the WEF mandates.
This is covered under the CRIMES ACT 1961, Part 5, Section 73:
- How many people died because of the FALSE COVID and VAX mandates?
- How many businesses closed because of LABOUR'S COVID ACT?
- Shutting down the entire country for the FLU? [COVID-19 never passed Koch's Postulates anywhere in the world]
- Forcing the PCR test on the entire country when the PCR test CANNOT tell the difference between "covid" or 200+ other substances?
- Funding Pacifika organisations with tens of millions of dollars to enforce COVID TESTING on the poorest of NZ's population?
- University professors, scientists, and researchers FIRED for posting and writing about the "BAD SCIENCE" being used by the NZ Govt to squash the country?
- Medical Doctors, Health Practitioners, and Nurses FIRED for opposing the government's mandates?
- Employees FIRED for refusing the EXPERIMENTAL "mRNA vaccine"?
- How many New Zealanders have DIED because of the mRNA Vaccine?
- How many FARMERS committed suicide because their land was taken away under UN Agenda 2030 and SNA (Significant Nature Areas)?
- The Tiwai Point aluminium smelter shut down because of the FALSE "climate change" agenda?
- New Zealand's only oil refinery shut down?
- Cow burps and farts are a "climate emergency"?
- Banned all coal mining...so that NZ now has to IMPORT coal at a high price?
- UTE tax? Banning diesel and gas engine vehicle sales? Banning LPG?
- Quietly bringing in tens of thousands of immigrants during the lockdown?
- Allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants into the country during an economic, housing, and infrastructure crisis?
- Allowing VISAs for Muslim "child brides" because it is a "social custom" that we need to accept?
- Blocking Christian refugees coming from Muslim countries?
- The LGBT+ Agenda being forced on the entire country?
- Gender change operations for 10-year olds?
- High-Density Housing in City Centres per UN Agenda 2030: with NO PARKING SPACES?
- Hundreds of millions of dollars paid to PR and Marketing companies to "convince the NZ public"?
- Trillion-dollar debt (mostly to China)?
- Apartheid being forced on the country?
- Hundreds of millions of dollars TO BUY OFF THE NZ MEDIA?
- More than 370 NGOs (non-governmental organizations) being funded at over $8 BILLION per year to make SOCIAL CHANGES without your consent?
- ZERO transparency of the government's actions?
- Directing Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Instagram to BAN FREE SPEECH?
- Using UN Peacekeeper troops to squash the protestors at Parliament? [Those were NOT NZ Police, folks!]
- Turning New Zealand from a Democracy into a Socialist Totalitarian state?
More RIGHTS have been taken away under this Labour/Greens government than at any time in New Zealand's history.